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What I Did This Week 8/4/2020: The Personal Stuff

Well, it’s been about a week, so it’s time for one of these update posts again. So, since last week, I’ve managed to get a few things done. First, I finally posted my review for Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker, which you can read here. As for other writing, I haven’t done much, except for jot down some ideas for tabletop RPG campaigns, in addition, I resurrected my tabletop blog from its deceased state. I would probably get more traffic to both sites if I redesign the sites to be more aesthetically appealing, but I already am filling my days pretty thoroughly. In fact, I’ve had little time to enjoy things like video games, despite the amazing summer sales I’ve seen, because I’ve generally been spending so much time on projects.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t as productive as I’d like to be. You see, I’m a night owl, I do most of my working at night, and I am least distracted and can focus on work when my roommates are out at their jobs at the Amazon warehouse. However, this week, I’ve been dragged from my work several times to get them from work early, which, in combination with sleep deprivation, has made it more difficult to attend my many irons in the fire.

So on the podcast front, I actually managed to stay pretty caught up this week, with my favorite this week being the conclusion to the 4-part series that Revisionist History did about General Curtis LeMay and napalm. In all, it was another 30 or so hours of pods, making it a bit easier to keep up with than last week’s 40ish.

Now for books. I think that this is most definitely where I made the most progress in a single week. I got through basically all of Making Money this week, and I started on the Analects of Confucius. Now, that would be enough, but while visiting a thrift shop this week, I found a quite old hardcover copy of “The Scottish Chiefs” from 1949, that includes illustrations from N.C.Wyeth. As such, I’ve also started that. I’ll also be starting the next Discworld novel after Making Money, which I believe is Unseen Academicals, which I’m pretty excited for. It’s been a while in the series since there was a book about the wizards of Discworld, and from what I’ve glanced at, also includes the lovable Rincewind.

Wow, so I just realized how much I’ve already written about this week, and I still haven’t gotten to the stuff that I worked on project-wise, so it looks like I’ll be making this a two-part post! Part two is now out, and you can read it here!

By fenrirgochad

I am a man of many interests and life goals, hopefully I will become a financial wizard of some sort, so money won't be a problem.

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